Ad of the Week: Real Breakfast

This edition of “Ad of the Week” basically breaks the world into two groups: those who are lovin’ a real breakfast and those who aren’t. Don’t those who love a real breakfast seem so much happier? And wouldn’t you rather be part of the lovin’ group? That’s what we thought. So we put together a :30 pre-roll content piece that plays before your favorite online shows or cat videos … yes, cat videos. As you can see below, it runs within an overlay that allows us to keep the brand message up the entire time, localize an offer and keep that offer in the consumer’s face the duration of the video. That’s what we call “being significant.” Using a mixture of clips found online and those that were animated specifically for this project, we feel that we perfectly nailed McDonald’s new Lovin’ > Hatin’ campaign. Below are the Morochians responsible for the work. Enjoy. McDonald's Real Breakfast
posted on
February 11, 2015
written by
Kevin Sutton